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Local Organizations

The Village of Tigerton and the surrounding area is home to many different service groups and organizations.  Each group has their own purpose, but they all share the common goal of working to benefit the people of Tigerton and the surrounding area.  Please click on the links to the left to find out more information about each organization.


If you have any organization you'd like on our site or would like to update photos/information, please contact the Village Clerk at 715-535-2262 or email

American Legion Post #239

Am. Legion

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a  patriotic organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation's largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

The Schlender Post 239 at Tigerton was first chartered in July 1922 and after WWII, the name was changed to Schlender-Polley Post 239.



They meet monthly at the American Legion Building and are active in an annual Pancake breakfast, Badger Boy, Government Days at Shawano, Memorial Day Program, Veterans Day Program, and the building and maintenance of the Veterans Memorial.

Local Contact: Commander Douglas Clark 715-535-2428

The mission of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 239 is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who served, by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad.

Each year, the Legion Auxiliary sponsors a Badger Girl to go to the State Conference, and gives a scholarship to a graduating THS senior.  They also distribute poppies during May and co-sponsor a pancake breakfast with the American Legion Post #239 each year in March as a fund-raiser. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm.

President: Shelley Wilkinson

American Legion Auxiliary Post #239


Tigerton Area Food Programs

The Tigerton Community Cupboard

Helping those in need since 1983, their mission is to help provide food to those in need during emergency situations such as loss of employment, fire victims, and difficulties making ends meet. 


If you are in need of help, please contact of the cupboard members:

Audrey Kessen: 715-535-2728, Cindy Mueller: 715-535-2894

Kathy Thiel: 715-535-2731, Lois Anderson: 715-535-2098 or

Jane Pringnitz: 715-535-2853.


Tigerton Food Pantry

Organized in 2020 as a “special works” of

the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Trinity Family

Conference to help feed the hungry in the

Tigerton School District. A registration form must be completed and can be submitted at your first distribution. Forms are available at Cedar Street Market and St. Anthony Parish offices or call the pantry number and we will mail you one.


Families are asked to call the pantry number (715) 326-3750 by the 2nd Saturday of the month to sign up for each month's distribution. The pantry is currently located at 430 Swanke Street.


All food is prepacked according to family size. We are members of Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin and Hunger Relief Federation of Wisconsin. We accept donations of food or cash with which we purchase food. We offer canned, boxed, frozen, refrigerated, and fresh food as it is available. Families are able to receive food once every month on a regular basis or at the time of an emergency. If you need help feeding your family, please call. We can help.


Committee members of the Tigerton Food Pantry are

Diane Kryll (715) 326-3332, Jackie Badalik (715) 250-2864, Julie Prey (715) 881-0038 and Deb Brandt (920) 419-3660. Feel free to contact any one of them if you have any questions.


Tigerton Food Pantry – P O Box 44 – 430 Swanke St – Tigerton WI 54486

Food Pantry Logo.jpg

The Tigerton Community Gardens are located on the east side of Hwy 45, just north of the Cty Hwy M intersection.  They are available to individuals and groups from the Tigerton area on a first-come-first-served basis, to use to grow produce for their families or to give to others. There is usually a small fee to use the plots, which helps to cover the cost of the water for watering.  Water is available on site and the plots are fully tilled and ready for planting, usually around the 10th of May each year.

Community Garden


Over the past few years, several groups including the Peace Lutheran Sunday School and Tiger Tribe 4-H have used plots to plant produce for their congregation members and residents of Tigerton's Riverview Apartments.  This is not only a great service project for the groups, but the produce is also appreciated by those receiving it.

Emb. Lions

Embarrass River Lions Club

The Embarrass River Lions Club meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Morris Clubhouse, located at the corner of Cty Road J North and Berg Road.

Our mission is to help and serve those in need in our community and surrounding towns.  We assist with building wheel chair ramps, give out cash and food cards, and help pay utility bills and medical expenses.

The club puts on a yearly Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas Party for the children of our area.  Fruit baskets are also made up and distributed to the elderly during the holidays.  We also have a group of members who transport corneas to Appleton Medical Center.  We support and encourage the youth of the Tigerton and Bowler School Districts to participate in the "Peace Poster" art contest.

Our members also work at the Marion Health Fair, hosting a trout pond, the Caroline Colorama watering horses and at the Iola Old Car Show selling Funnel Cakes.

As fundraisers, we sponsor a yearly rummage sale, and a horse trail ride in the early fall.  Also, we serve an AYCE pork roast and sweet corn in August at the Morris Clubhouse.  We clean up county highway J twice a year and keep Forrest Lawn Cemetery grounds clean.

We are an active club and enjoy helping others.

Tiger Tribe 4-H Club

  • Facebook - Black Circle

The Tiger Tribe 4-H club started in the1980s, and is still a very active club. The members are involved in many of the projects that 4-H offers. The most popular being photography, visual arts, and cake decorating. Depending on the year some of the members are also very involved with the animal projects. Any child first grade through freshman in college can join 4-H.
Tiger Tribe 4-H club is a community oriented club and the members work hard to improve their environment by helping the in community. The last few years the club has been working in the community garden to grow produce for some of our seniors. We have also been working very hard in the Union Cemetery. As of this date we have planted over 20 trees and have cleaned over 200 headstones.
One of the benefits of 4-H is the Shawano County Fair. Being a member entitles you to show off what you've learned thought out the year, by displaying your work at the fair.  The members are judged, a awarded a ribbon, and have the opportunity to have all visitors see their work. The members find this very rewarding.
If you would be interested in 4-H you can contact the UWEX office in Shawano or Brenda Brady for more information.

Tigerton Advancement Assoc.

The Tigerton Advancement Association was formed in 1963

by a progressive group of businessmen with the idea of

promoting Tigerton and thanking area customers for doing

business locally.  Since its inception, the Tigerton Advancement

Association has supported many community activities and

annually donates money raised to promote and keep

Tigerton strong.

Tigerton Lumberjack Days
A Family Weekend Celebration
Each year the last weekend of August, Tigerton comes alive with family activities.  The Advancement Association and American Legion Post host a family weekend that features a lumberjack contest, cow chip bingo and many kids' games hosted by area non-profit groups like girl scouts, boy scouts and youth sports clubs.  Music and a free corn roast highlight Saturday evening.  Local church groups provide food and homemade pies.  Sunday features a large parade

and more live music.  Bingo is play and a raffle is

held with the top prize of $1,000.  Plenty of cold

beer and soda are always available.  All funds

raised go towards Tigerton area projects.

The Tigerton Advancement Assocation meets

quarterly (January, April, July, October), the last Monday of the month at the Main Street Diner.  Meeting time is 6:30pm with a meal provided.  Membership is open to anyone interested in promoting and supporting Tigerton.  Dues are $10.00 per year. 

For more information call:
President: Alan "Wally" Breitenfeldt
Secretary: Diane Koepke, 715-535-3300

Projects Supported
   -  Tigerton Fire Department Thermal Imaging Camera
   -  Tigerton Area Ambulance
   -  Children's Christmas Candy Fund
   -  Tigerton Clinic
   -  Tigerton Main Street Development

   -  Tigerton Athletic Field Upgrade
   -  Tigerton Youth Sports Programs
   -  Tigerton Character Counts
   -  American Legion Post Veterans Memorial Project


Tigerton BABA

The Village of Tigerton has had a "city" baseball team since before 1900 and that tradition continues today.  The Tigerton baseball team currently plays in the Badger Amateur Baseball Association (BABA) Western Division and plays against teams around the local area in both the West and East divisions, including (West) Tilleda, Bowler, Caroline, Little Falls, and Leopolis, and (East) Marion, Shawano, Clintonville, Neopit, Gresham and Menominee.  The games are normally played on Sunday afternoons or Friday evenings.

The Tigerton team has been very successful in recent years, having won the BABA Championship in 2010 and played in the Championship game several other times.   They draw fairly large crowds out to the ballpark and provide good family entertainment. For more information about the BABA website.

Tigerton FFA Alumni

The Tigerton FFA Alumni is a very active group, who are always

working hard to promote the agriculture and dairy industries and

the community of Tigerton.  They have a regular meeting once a month, on the 3rd Sunday at 8:00 pm in the THS Ag education room.  In addition, members are very active in state and national FFA activities throughout the entire year.

The Tigerton FFA Alumni Chapter is part of the Section 8 of the Wisconsin FFA Alumni.  Currently, two members from the Tigerton FFA Alumni are on the board for the State FFA Alumni.  Wayne Schwartz is the

Treasurer for the Wisconsin FFA Alumni and Art

Plaster is on the State Council.

Following is a list of some of the activities of the

Tigerton FFA Alumni each month.
January-Regular meeting
February-Attend FFA State Alumni Convention
March-Sponsor 1/2 of FFA Jacket for current FFA members
April-Section 8 Spring Banquet
May-Give Scholarships to FFA Graduates
June-Offer Free milk at local businesses
July-Annual Alumni picnic.
August-Sponsor free cheese for Lumberjack Days

Parade Float
September-Nut & Bolt Sale Fundraiser
October-Sponsor free cheese for Colorama Float. 

Give mometary donation to FFA members attending

National FFA Convention
November-Harvest Dance Fundraiser
December-Annual Christmas Party

Chariman: Donald Onesti

Several Tigerton FFA Alumni Members gather with items for one of their fundraisers.

FFA Alumni

The Tigerton Area Historical Society includes the

Village of Tigerton, Townships of Fairbanks,

Germania, Grant Morris and Wyoming.  It is

affiliated with the State Historical Society of

Wisconsin and Wisconsin Council of Local History. 

Established in 1976, the main building was

formerly a Methodist Church and later St. Anthony

Church Hall.  The Fairbanks Town Hall, built in 1

890, was moved to the park in 1995.  The Morris

Farmer's Club band stand was also added that year

and a pioneer log cabin in 1996.

Exhibits include:
Period settings of school room, parlor, kitchen,

bedroom and laundry.  Displays include toys,

clothing, religious, farm equipment and tools,

workshop, automotive, power equipment and pictures. Rural

Democracy from Territory to Town located in Fairbanks Town Hall

Theme exhibits change bi-annually

From May through June, the Society will be open many days from

1:00-4:00pm.  If you are planning to take a tour, please call one of

the numbers below to make arrangements for it to be open.

Call 715 535-2467, 715 584-5239 or 507-254-1927

Donations to the Society's Permanent Trust help preserve local culture & historical heritage.  Persons interested in the Tigerton area histroy are invited to join the Society.


Tigerton Historical Society


Tigerton Lions Club

The Tigerton Lions Club was formed in 1949. 

The Lions motto is "We Serve."  The Tigerton Lions

Club has been doing just that for over 60 years. 

The club remains active and contributes time and

money for various projects in the Tigerton area. 

They have also helped out individuals in need of

glasses and eye exams.  Each year the Lions 

recognize outstanding individuals for their community


The Tigerton Lions raise money through raffles,

two steak-fries and a Lenten Fish Fry each year. 

A streak fry is held the first Saturday of May and

third Saturday of September every year.  The Lenten

Fish Fry is held the first Friday of Lent. All money

raised by the Lions go to support community and Lions international activities.  Many Tigerton Lions members are also active in other community organizations and truly live the Lions motto of "We Serve."

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