We may be small, but we have plenty to offer

Licenses + Forms
Liquor & Tobacco Forms
All forms must be submitted to the Village Clerk at 221 Birch Street, PO Box 147
Forms must be signed in front of the Village Clerk. License are subject to Village Board approval (regular board meetings are the first Monday of each month, please plan accordingly). Alcohol Beverage License Applications must be on file in the Village Clerk's Office at least 15 days prior to being granted.
License Fees:
Annual Class "A" Beer - $200
Annual Class "A" Liquor - $250
Annual Class "B" Beer - $100
Annual Class "B" Liquor - $125
Annual Cigarette & Tobacco - $50
Operator's License - $10
Picnic/Beer/Wine License - $10
License expire on June 30th of each year.
Picnic/Beer/Wine License is good for dates listed on application, license is required for any event selling these beverages.
Pet License
Dogs and Cats are required to be registered with the Village.
License Application forms are enclosed with property taxes and also
available at the Village Clerk's office. License registration is valid from
January 1st through December 31st of each year. If you have 3 or more
dogs, you are required to get a Kennel License that must be approved
by the Village Board. License Application forms are to the right, the
Kennel License Application is printable only.
Information Needed:
Name, Color, Breed & Sex | Rabies Vaccine Dates, Vaccine Producer & Serial Number
Licnese Fees:
Spayed or Neutered - Paid by March 31st = $3.00 After April 1st = $8.00
Unspayed or Neutered - Paid by March 31st = $8.00 After April 1st = $13.00
Any owner who fails to have a dog vaccinated against rabies may be required to forfeit no less than $50.00 plus court fees.