We may be small, but we have plenty to offer

All property and Tax information can be viewed through the Shawano County Website. Please view the links below to find the correct information you're looking for.

Taxes may be paid to the
Village Treasurer, Helen Selle the following ways:
At the Clerk's Office:
Mon - Fri. 8am to 4pm
221 Birch St Tigerton
By Mail:
PO Box 147
Tigerton, WI 54486
Property Map Info.
Shawano County offers public map access. Click the link below to search for a certain parcel, view parcel information and property lines. Please note property lines are not exact and should not be used in lieu of a survey.
There is also a black drop box for after hour payments!
Payments made after January 31st, must be paid to
Shawano County Treasurer
311 North Main Street - Shawano, WI 54166
Only Personal Property taxes will be
accepted at the Village.
Tax & Parcel Info.
Shawano County offers public access to their Real Estate Tax Information. Click the link below to search for a certain parcel, name or address.
View current & previous tax bills,
tax payments & assessment history.
Zillmer Assessment Services
Kelly Zillmer, Assessor
E6289 Knaack Rd. Marion, WI 54950
Phone: 715-250-2471
Each municipality in Wisconsin is required to have an
Open Book and Board of Review (BOR) session.
Open Book takes place first. This is the time when the municipality's assessment roll - which lists all the properties - is open for examination. This allows the property owner to informally discuss the property value with the local assessor. If the property value is changed at Open Book, the assessor corrects the assessment roll.
If the property owner is not satisfied with the assessment after attending Open Book, he/she can bring their concerns to the Board of Review. The Board hears assessment appeals from property owners. After review, if the Board agrees with the property owner's evidence, it can amend the assessment to reflect those changes.
Most Open Book and Board of Review sessions take place late May to mid-June, but some may occur later.
If you would like your receipt emailed, please let me know by emailing me your name & email address by clicking the link below.